Black granite stone
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It is one of the building stones that has many uses. This stone is composed of quartz or silica, amphibole and some other minerals.
Black granite has very high resistance and strength, and the reason for this is the presence of silica in the main structure of the stone.
This rock is formed from molten masses and as a result of intense volcanic eruptions. If you are thinking of having a very stylish, attractive and durable look, you can use black granite stone.
This stone can be used for the exterior and interior walls of the building, as well as the interior and exterior floors and stairs of the building.
Black granite stone can be used in various environments such as arcades and shopping centers, commercial and office, docks, sidewalks.
In order to make this stone more attractive and impressive, finishing operations should be done on it. Many people use this stone (due to its excellent water impermeability) in bathrooms and toilets. Another great use of this stone is in cabinets, sinks and kitchens.
It should be said that these stones are easily washed with water and detergents, and it is easy to take care of it. • It is resistant to heat and high temperature and can be installed in such environments.
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