Touroq travertine stone
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Turouk travertine stone is one of the best-selling travertines, which has the highest sales demand and is available in chocolate, cream and white varieties in the market.
Like other travertines, it has porosity and is light in weight, and they are used in various ways to implement the facade of the building.
Travertines can be the best option for exterior and interior facades.
This stone is named according to different conditions of quality, cut and sub, which include super, premium, first grade and second grade.
Touroq travertine is cream, chocolate, yellow and silver.
Compared to other similar stones, this stone is used in the facade of many buildings with a medium budget, as well as in many luxury and massive projects.
The more black veins in this stone, the more impurity this stone has.
This stone is also processed in two ways, wavy and non-wave, but the non-wave type is more widely used. This stone can be supplied in various and unlimited models. Like other travertines, they are very resistant to sunlight, cold, heat and humidity.
Advantages of Turoq travertine stone
One of the most important advantages of good subduction, light weight and cost-effectiveness can be mentioned. Porousness (pumice stone), heat and sound insulation, and light weight are other advantages of tarz.
Touroq travertine is a strong and durable stone and has good wear and pressure resistance and is very resistant to acid rains.
Disadvantages of Turoq travertine stone
Water absorption and high porosity are the biggest disadvantages of travertine stone. Dandruff and the stone’s reaction to moisture is one of the biggest problems it has faced.
Of course, this happens if the mortar made to implement the stone in the facade is prepared with salt water. This can be seen considering the reasonable price of this stone.
Uses of Toroq travertine stone:
The walls of the stairs and under the stairs, the interior and exterior of the building, decorative products such as water features and stone tools, the cornice of the buildings, the frame around the elevator, as well as the frame around the door and window are used.
Weaker grades of these stones are used in sheds, back facades, lids and stone tables.
Classical, traditional, modern, sport, and Roman facades, as well as combinations, are used.
This stone can be used in the facade of hotels, shops and luxury business centers.
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